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The DashObject is a serializable form of the Object you are trying to cache.

So for example, Identifiers have a DashIdentifier which is a DashObject. This allows Identifiers to be added to the registry because the DashIdentifier provides a way to serialize and deserialize the Identifier.

public class DashIdentifier implements DashObject<Identifier> /* (1)! */ {
    public final String namespace;
    public final String path;

    public DashIdentifier(String namespace, String path) {
        this.namespace = namespace;
        this.path = path;

    public DashIdentifier(Identifier identifier) {
        this.namespace = identifier.getNamespace();
        this.path = identifier.getPath();

    public Identifier export(RegistryReader reader) {
        return new Identifier(namespace, path);
  1. The DashObject interface is inherited by every DashObject - it includes methods like export which run on deserialization.
  2. This constructor contains every field so that Hyphen (the serializer we use) can create the object.
  3. This constructor gets run when a new Identifier tries to get cached. Your goal is to destructure the object so that we can serialize it. It is commonly referred as the "Factory" constructor.
  4. This export method gets run on deserialization. Here you recreate the original Identifier object.
Real world examples

A simple DashObject.

A less simple DashObject.

A way less simple DashObject.

Factory Constructor

When an Object gets added to a RegistryWriter it tries to find a DashObject that has support for that class. If it finds a DashObject, its "Factory" constructor will be called.

The constructor can have 4 different signatures.

  • FULL: Contains the target class and a RegistryWriter
    public DashIdentifier(Identifier identifier, RegistryWriter writer);
  • WRITER: Contains only a RegistryWriter
    public DashIdentifier(RegistryWriter writer); // kinda useless??
  • RAW: Contains only the target class
    public DashIdentifier(Identifier identifier);
  • EMPTY: Does not have any parameters.
    public DashIdentifier(); // where the party at?

So if we want to serialize an identifier we would add the fields for the namespace and path, and then extract them from the Identifier using the Factory constructor.

public class DashIdentifier implements DashObject<Identifier> {
    public final String namespace;
    public final String path;

    // Factory constructor.
    public DashIdentifier(Identifier identifier) {
        this.namespace = identifier.getNamespace();
        this.path = identifier.getPath();

Please note that this constructor must be public since otherwise DashLoader cannot access it.


DashLoader uses the Hyphen Serializer for maximum speed and efficiency. The documentation for that serializer is available on

We will show a simple example here:

public class DashIdentifier implements DashObject<Identifier> {
    // (1)
    public final String namespace;
    public final String path;

    // (2)
    public DashIdentifier(String namespace, String path) {
        this.namespace = namespace;
        this.path = path;

    public DashIdentifier(Identifier identifier) {
        this.namespace = identifier.getNamespace();
        this.path = identifier.getPath();
  1. The fields that need to be serialized need to be public. If you want a temporary field, mark it as transient
  2. We have a constructor which takes in all the fields we defined. Please note that the arguments must have the same order as the fields, and it needs to be public.


Exporting is when DashLoader has deserialized its cache and wants to now convert its DashObjects to the original Objects. The DashObject interface contains the methods DashLoader uses when exporting the objects.

// The preExport methods runs before the DashObject is exported. 
// Please note this method runs on the main thread and is not multithreaded.
void preExport(RegistryReader reader);

// The export method exports the original object from the DashObject. 
// This method is heavily multithreaded.
Identifier export(RegistryReader reader);

// The postExport methods runs after the DashObject is exported. 
// Please note this method runs on the main thread and is not multithreaded.
void postExport(RegistryReader reader);

So for our Identifier, our export method would look like this:

public class DashIdentifier implements DashObject<Identifier> {
    public final String namespace;
    public final String path;

    public DashIdentifier(String namespace, String path) {
        this.namespace = namespace;
        this.path = path;

    public DashIdentifier(Identifier identifier) {
        this.namespace = identifier.getNamespace();
        this.path = identifier.getPath();

    public Identifier export(RegistryReader reader) {
        return new Identifier(namespace, path);


You might have noticed we have a RegistryWriter on the factory constructor and a RegistryReader on the exporting methods. You can read more about how to use the DashRegistry here.